Invited As A Guest Illustrator!

Helloooo I'm really sorry for the lack of update! There were so many things I did this month and I almost had no time to fill up this blog.

At Feb 19 I was invited to Tumbuh Primary, Yogyakarta (Indonesia), to teach the students of Upper Class (grade 5 and 6) how to draw persons easily. In other words: in my way. It was my very first time being invited and feel such nuance, you know, elite school; teaching in english and bahasa; be a more important person; and moreover, I met my junior high old friend! She works there and she's the very person who invited me first. It's all because of her. :D

Here are some pictures from that day.

That's fatty me :v

The kids were so interactive!

Feast lol. As an Indonesian I only know some of their names even though they are easily found at markets. Combro, risoles mayo, kue ku, I think up there is mini pizza, something like kue lumpur, and that pink one looks like pudding with mutiara inside.

This is my junior-high friend. The kids said that we look similar because of our glasses.

Of course there were some bonus artworks! This one is for my friend, and I made the other two for a boy and a girl but I forgot to take pics of them ^^;
That is all what happened that day. It added one more big history to my life!
