Bomboloni Greentea Cheesecake and Crema Della Cheese (Omija, Yogyakarta)

This time I will show you a couple of bombolonis. Bomboloni was a huge trend around here and I found a cafe that sold plenty flavors of it. It was Omija, located at Sleman City Hall, Yogyakarta. Omija is a cute cafe that sells bombolonis. muffins, and also coffee. Their coffee is cheap and suitable to my liking. I tried their cafe latte and aren coffee on different days. Both were good. Pick aren if you want some sweetness.

I tried their Greentea Cheesecake and Crema Della Cheese. Greentea Cheesecake was surprisingly better than I expected. It had the level of sweetness of my liking and full of cheese. When I ate them in one bite, the taste of greentea and cheese made a nice combination. All this time I always have mixed feelings towards green tea flavor because it's not always that good to me, but this one was totally nice.

Crema Della Cheese was like your favorite cheesecake. Cheesy, sweet, surely a friendly taste for a bomboloni. It was immediately my favorite flavor. I like that Omija fills their bombolonis with plenty of cream so you can taste the flavor from the first till last bite.

As usual, I also put on the video of creating the painting of those bombolonis. You can watch it here or on my Youtube as a shortcut. I enjoy creating this painting. I used blue as the base. I thought it wouldn't go well with food since I thought food will be more tempting in warm colors, but the cafe where I sat gave off a hint of blue so I applied it here.

The challenge in painting these bombolonis were the cream. I used watercolor so I tried my best to show white among the more opaque colors. Overall I like the result. I will make more food illustration in the future. Thank you for joining my art adventure!

📍 Name: Omija
Location: Sleman City Hall, Ground Floor, Yogyakarta
Instagram: omijacafe
