Kedai Kirana, Yogyakarta

Around the end of April 2024 I joined a booth at a high school event. The booth was named Kedai Kirana and it was owned by an acquaintance. We sold iced drinks and some street food to the visitors. On drinks we had iced tea, iced orange, iced chocolate, and iced lychee drinks. On food we had takoyaki, dimsum, sausages, and sushi. Since we were not allowed to cook on-site, the food served warm to room-temperature as the event went. On the good side the event was held only for 5 hours, so the food were still safe to eat and there was no need to reheat them.

Even though I had some experience working at bazaars, it was my first time to join a food-and-beverages booth. My acquaintance allowed me to stand at the drink section and she stood at the food section. We were hectic when there was customers tsunami around the last 2 hours of the event. My glasses wanted to leave my nose so hard. 😂 (I meant my face was so full of sweat it was slippery).

I decided to draw 2 kinds of menu that I had that day: takoyaki and sausage. Of course I had drinks too but I wanted to show the food more. I chose bright colors to encapsulated the lightheartedness of the event. Also the food were considered a snack than a heavy meal, so I wanted to highlight it too.

It was refreshing to be back at a booth for once in a while. I moved a lot as if it was an exercise for half a day. The food and drinks were nice to have. I got a nice, refreshing sleep that night too. If you happen to see Kedai Kirana at a bazaar, there is no need to hesitant to pay a visit.

Name: Kedai Kirana
Location: bazaars (Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Contact: Mas Putut +62888-0678-8963
