Two Okay People part 3/3

Today we are reaching the last part of Two Okay People.

This artwork telling that the two characters had a good relationship they maintain. They go through their days better and a little brighter since they added to each other's circle. Good vibes only.

I put in purple and orange similar to previous artwork to symbolize that they were in their individual selves yet cooperated well. They started their days, communicated well, and ended their days alright. They were okay.

At the end of the day, Two Okay People was inspired by a platonic friendship that heals. From the focus-on-your-own-world to have a healthy connection with people in balance, that was how you got a get-up from previous messy situation. It happened to me at some point in my life and after staying in low social battery for a long time I healed after meeting new people at the time.

As Two Okay People ends I wish you health, happiness, and comfort. I wish you tasty coffee and good meals. I wish you safety and warm bed. I wish you good people to relate with. Amen.
