Terinspirasi oleh Mimpi Lagi/ Inspired by A Dream Again

Aku mimpi tentang seorang cewek yang berada di lingkungan sedikit irasional. Di sana dia ketemu sama cowok (aku inget banget cowok itu rambutnya warna biru kalo kena cahaya) yang jadi korban salah tembak mantra. Tangan kanan cowok itu tulangnya keliatan gara-gara pernah ada orang yang lagi latihan sihir dan orang itu nembakin mantra yang kacau. Tadinya mantra itu bakal mengarah ke sahabat si cowok itu tapi cowok itu mau nyelametin sahabatnya dan tangannya kena.

Cowok itu akrab dengan si cewek dan dia punya kekuatan super untuk bawa cewek itu ke atap bangunan suatu malam. Waktu mereka duduk di bawah langit malam, si cewek dapet mawar merah (klasik sih) dari cowok itu.

I dreamed about a girl in a little irrational world. She met a boy (I clearly remember that the boy's hair is blue if there is some light on it} who is a victim of a spell. His right hand bones was showed off because of a person had accidently shot a spell when they did some practice. The spell was almost directly hit the boy's friend but then that boy safe his friend and the spell hit his right hand.

That boy got closer with the girl and he had super power so that he could bring the girl to a rooftop of a building one night. When they sat there under the night sky, the girl got a red rose (classic, though) from the boy.

I like the night which has half moon and halo :D
