Hello, Stracciatella

Hello! Welcome to another weekend. I am going to show you my latest artwork which inspired by food again. It was stracciatella.

One day I hung out with my bff Okta. We visited a cafe then proceed to a mall. At the mall we decided to try a booth of a not-famous brand of gelato. They had a few variation of flavors, not as many as the famous one had. And here I found stracciatella. I never had it ever and at first sight I thought both the name and the visual were very unique to me. So I chose it.

The two complain that I kept to myself were 1} the booth didn't let us have two flavors in one cone. (The famous one allowed us with the same price!) And 2} the gelato didn't fill in the cone!!! There was a big gap under the gelato to the tip of the cone. At least the service and the flavor were okay. And I met stracciatella for the first time through that experience. 👀

In this artwork I used mainly white to show stracciatella's main color. White hair is the rarest thing I have ever painted! Then I added strings of black hair as the main feature of stracciatella: the chocolate frozen drizzle. I also used black to the facial features. Oh, how I love painting lips with black. I also loved coloring her skin, it reminded me of gelato cones.

Stracciatella is a beautiful name. I mean, I'm not from Italy. If someone here in my country would name their baby with it I won't even complain. It's milk ice cream with strings of chocolate. Such purity and sweetness. Such art. If it's a baby boy then people can call him Strac. If it's a baby girl, Ella. I digress. If I have to name my baby with food names, I would choose Praline. I digress again.

my stracciatella gelato

So that's how it was. I got a "silver-lining" kind of experience here by getting a gelato. 😂 I hope they will improve their quantity, though. It's fun to get inspirations from the simplest things around me. What will I draw next? Well, we'll see.
