Halo! Selamat datang di artwork terbaruku. Di post sebelumnya aku nge-share artwork yang berkaitan dengan artwork ini, jadi hari ini aku mau cerita tentang artwork ini.
Hello! Welcome to another artwork. On the last post I shared an artwork related to this one, so today I will tell you a back story of this artwork.
Mirip dengan judul sebelumnya, artwork ini aku beri judul Flower Crown and Lover. Karakter cowok ini berada di tempat yang sama dengan si karakter cewek. Dia juga mengenakan rangkaian bunga merah yang sama dengan yang digunakan oleh karakter cewek.
Similar to the previous title, this artwork is titled Flower Crown and Lover. The male character here is in the same place with the female one. He also wears the same red flowers wreath same with the female one wears.
Inspirasi utama rangkaian artwork ini sebenarnya ada di karakter cowok. Beberapa tahun lalu aku pernah nonton MV grup cowok Korea yang beberapa adegannya berlatar bunga-bunga. Atau membernya pakai rangkaian bunga, aku ga begitu ingat. Waktu itu aku pingin bikin artworknya tapi ga begitu percaya diri. 😅 Artwork ini bukan dari MV itu.
The main inspiration of this artwork series is actually on this male character. A few years ago I watched an MV of Korean male group where some of its scenes had flowers in it. Or there was a member with a flower wreath, I don't really remember it. At that time I wanted to make an artwork out of it but I wasn't so sure of myself. 😅 This artwork is not from the MV.
Selagi aku bikin artwork ini dan nulis blog ini kita berada di akhir tahun 2024. Masih ada satu artwork lagi yang bakal aku upload besok. Terkesan kejar tayang ya. (Tulisan refleksi akhir tahunnya disimpan untuk post besok aja 😂).
When I created this artwork and wrote this blog we are at the end of the year 2024. There will be one more artwork that I will post tomorrow. Looks like running on a deadline, doesn't it? (Let's keep that reflection of the year for tomorrow's post 😂).
Sekian cerita tentang Flower Crown nand Lover. Besok ke sini lagi ya, ada artwork terakhir sebelum kita pesta Tahun Baru. Terima kasih sudah menikmati artwork dan blog hari ini!
That's all for Flower Crown and Lover. Come back here again tomorrow, as there will be one last artwork before we have the New Year party. Thank you for enjoying the artwork and the blog today!
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