Some old artworks..

Aku bikin ini di buku catetan selagi di sekolah. Bagian tersulitnya adalah proses penghapusan. Butuh kesabaran./ I made this on my note book while I was at school. The hardest part of it was the erasing process. Patient needed.

Yang ini dibuat untuk ex-senior di SMP berdasarkan salah satu fotonya. Dia yang minta dibuatin./ This one was made for my ex-senior at junior high based on one of his photograph. He asked for it.

Tepat setelah bikin artworx untuk ex-senior, aku memanfaatkan sisa kertas untuk bikin ini./ Just after I made the artworx for my ex-senior, i made this.

Artworx yang ini dibuat untuk temenku yang suka sama hal-hal berbau princess :)/ This artworx was made for my friend who likes princess things :)

I'll post some later! :D
