Some old artworks.. #3

I can't decide a new title so i still use that one :p

Here are some other old artworx from me.

Aku bikin ini atas permintaan seorang teman penyuka warna hijau, jadi aku mulai membuka mata, hati, pikiran untuk bikin paduan warna hijau yang enak diliat./ Made this by a request from a friend who loves green, so i tried to open my eyes, heart, mind to make a good-looking green color-mix.

Sejauh yang aku inget, ini artworx yang bercerita tentang sepasang kekasih yang pertama kali aku publikasikan./ As far as i remember, this is my first published artworx that shows a couple.


Pertamanya aku bikin ini sebagai corat-coret belaka. Kemudian aku edit dan setelah diupload ke Facebook, tanteku suka! Sejak saat itu aku makin giat bikin artworx dan bikin album khusus artworx di Facebook./ This was my doodle at first. Then I uploaded it into Facebook and my aunt loved it! Since then I made artworx more and more and made a special album on my Facebook for those.
