Artworx yang didedikasikan untuk sepupu-sepupuku/ The artworx that dedicated to my cousins

Aku punya 2 sepupu, mereka lebih muda daripada aku dan punya beberapa hobi. Aku bikin ini waktu mereka suka sama hal-hal tentang gymnastic./ I have 2 cousins, they are younger than me and love to do different hobbies. When I made this they liked to do gymnastic things.

Some other artworx:

I love the combination of pink and yellow!

I imagined them as popstars :)

I used the combination of pink and blue.

They loved skateboards!

Aku pake pen tablet merk Genius untuk bikin garis di belakang mereka./ I use Genius pen tablet to create the lines behind them.


  1. Do u have the one which dedicated to your sweet sweet aunty?? *pointing at my self*


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