Green is The Color of Love

Aku ga begitu peduli sama makna warna-warna, sebenernya. Tapi untuk tau soal hal itu cukup menyenangkan. "Fakta" bahwa ijo itu warna cinta (ya, ijo, bukan pink atau merah) aku temuin di salah satu artikel di internet. Kaget?

Ini tadinya cuma doodle, waktu itu aku lagi ga terlalu berniat bikin artworx. Ada gadis remaja di sana, patah hati, tapi masih bisa tersenyum. Aku suka ketegarannya! Hasilnya lucu juga jadi aku scan dan warnain deh :9

Actually, I don't really care about the meaning of colors. But it's fun to know it. I found the "fact" that green is the color of love (yes, green, not pink or red) in an article on internet. Surprised?

This was just a doodle, I didn't really get a mood to make an artworx at the time. There was a teenage girl, broken-hearted, but she still can smile. I love her thoughness! The result was cute so I decided to scan it and color it :9

Love the bangs and the broken heart logos! And her eyes, too!

Aku pake filter > blur > box blur di gambar ini. Bukan pilihan yang bagus memang, karena waktu itu aku belum kenal sama yang namanya gaussian blur =.=

I used filter > blur > box blur on this pic. Not a good choice, though, it's because I didn't know about gaussian blur yet =.=
