Beberapa Request Lain/ Some Other Requests

Ini buat temen SMA-ku Hanifah. Aku suka kombinasi pink dan kuning di artworx ini, dan oh iya warna rambut itu juga! Tiba-tiba aja desain kostum begini muncul di benakku dan aku ga menyia-nyiakannya. Cukup kebingungan waktu mau bikin backgroundnya, kemudian terpikirlah untuk bikin kerlap-kerlip di sana-sini untuk menguatkan karakter Hanifah yang ceria.

This is for my high school friend Hanifah. I like the combination of pink and yellow in this artworx, and oh yeah that hair color, too! This costume design just came into my mind all of sudden and I would not let it go. I was blank enough when I should make the background, then I had an idea to put the glitters here and there to establish the cheerful character of Hanifah.

Ini buat Mbak Dewi, temen jauhku yang saat ini di Sofia, Bulgaria. Aku suka daun-daun yang berguguran itu juga kombinasi antara kardigan dan tasnya. Inspirasi untuk kostumnya ga terlalu sulit dicari (fiuh!) sehingga artworx ini cepet kelar.

This is for my long distance friend Mbak Dewi (Miss Dewi) who lives in Sofia, Bulgaria right now. I like the falling leaves and the combination of the cardigan and the bag. The inspiration of the costume was not difficult to find (phew!) so this artworx quickly finished.

Ini untuk temenku sejak di SMA, Decha. Aku sudah pernah nyebut namanya sebelum ini di artworx lawas "The Young Lady", yang gambarnya putri pake gaun merah-dan-oranye dan berdiri di tangga itu lho. Di artworx yang ini dia minta putri pake jilbab jadi aku bikin gini deh. Aku suka selendang transparan di kepalanya itu, kalo diliat lebih jelas, di selendangnya itu ada glitternya (sayangnya ga cukup jelas). Waktu mau kasih warnanya aku bener-bener kehabisan ide (ouch!) jadi cuma warna-warna ini yang bisa aku kombinasikan.

This is for my friend since in high school, Decha. I have mentioned her before in an old artworx "The Young Lady", which there is a princess in a red-and-orange gown stand in a stair. In this artworx Decha asked me to make a princess with jilbab so I made it this way. I like the transparent cloth on her head, and if you look closer, there are glitters on it (unfortunately it is not clear enough =.=). When I was going to color it I really out of ideas (ouch!) so I only got these colors to combine.
