
Hello! This time this post is more exciting because this is the last old artwork that I need to present here in my blog. It means I will post newer artworks soon! So glad that the day is coming~ 🥰

Exiled was inspired by my transitional moment. On early February 2023 I shouted, "All that made me tired had been thrown away!!! Except this one," referring to something that at the time I couldn't get rid of. Guess what? I have thrown it away! 😂 But after that I was confused of what to do.

It was not about romance. Well, one of the things that thrown away was romance-related, but the other part of it was not. I had been attached to it in years. There were times of considering to unattach myself from it but I always thought that there was no other options. That time, still in early 2023, the situation was getting worse and I found a way to escape from it. Despite all the relieve that I got, I was a little troubled afterwards because I need to get a better replacement.

Long story short I got what I need, six times better that whenever I looked back I was always glad. I never regret it all happened. I learned everything and I thought all of it happened on the right time, right place. It was all worth it.
