Halo! Ga terasa ya, udah November lagi. Waktu berjalan dengan aneh sejak pandemi. Di aku udah tiba waktunya untuk berkontemplasi nih. Udah tiba juga waktunya sale Natal & Tahun Baru di seantero mall.
Hello! It's surprising to find out that we're on November already. Time goes weird since the pandemic. Well at my end, the time for contemplating has come to the surface. So do the Christmas sales around the malls.
Kali ini aku berkarya sama adikku yang paling muda. Adikku berkebutuhan khusus dan dia suka dilibatkan dalam kegiatan melukis. Kebetulan di rumah ada satu set totebag beserta cat dan kuas. Ada enam warna: merah, biru, kuning, hijau, pink, dan ungu tua. Aku memutuskan untuk melukis oyen trus adikku ngisi latar belakangnya.
This time I made a creation with my youngest brother. He's a special-needed kid and he loves to be involved in painting. We had a set of a tote bag with some paint and a brush. There were six colors: red, blue, yellow, green, pink, and dark purple. I decided to paint an orange cat and took my youngest brother to paint the background.
Aku bikin si oyen berukuran besar dengan mata yang besar juga. Bikin sketsanya mudah karena ga perlu banyak detail. Cat yang ikut tas ini terasa kayak cat akrilik, sedangkan aku lebih sering pakai cat air. Jadi aku butuh adaptasi kan? Kalo obyeknya besar lebih luas juga areaku untuk coba-coba. Adikku mewarnai latar belakang dengan bermain warna yang tersedia dalam set tas ini. Dia juga ngecat area tas yang ga ada gambar kucingnya. Dia tampak serius dan hati-hati dalam prosesnya. 🖌
I made the orange cat in a big size with big eyes too. The sketching process was easy because it was unnecessary to add much details to it. The paint that came along with this bag was acrylic, while I usually use watercolor. Therefore I needed to adapt, right? The bigger the object the larger my area is to try around. My brother painted the background by playing with the colors included in this set. He also painted the other area with no cat on. He seemed serious and careful in the process. 🖌
Waktu aku pakai cat air, aku ngecat dari warna terang ke gelap. Waktu aku nyobain cat ini (yang kayaknya akrilik) aku baru tau betapa mendingannya ngecat dari warna gelap ke terang. Tapi karena aku masih beradaptasi, aku belum bisa menyeimbangkan warnanya dengan baik. Meski begitu, aku suka dengan hasil kami ngecat tas ini. Latar belakang yang dilukis oleh adikku kayak menunjukkan cikal bakal pola pikir oyen yang terkenal random. Aku seneng bisa ngajak adikku berkegiatan. Kayaknya lain kali aku mau ngajak dia ngecat tas lagi deh. ✨
When I use watercolor, I paint from light to dark. When I tried the paint (that I assumed acrylic) I found out how better it is to paint from dark to light. But since I am still trying to adapt, I have not able to find a proper balance in the coloring yet. Nevertheless, I like the result of us painting this bag. The background that was painted by my brother was like showing the root of an orange cat's mind pattern that notoriously random. I loved it that I invloved my brother to have this activity. Maybe I will involve him again to paint another bag. ✨
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