Lereng Bukit di Musim Kemarau 2012


Hillside In The Dry 2012

It was July 2nd. We had unpacked and slept for one night in an unfamiliar village. The internet was not smooth, so I decided to take a look on my old artworks in my laptop which then turned out to be a presentation session related to every artwork's background story. One member of the team whom sleeping that afternoon told us my voice got into his dream. I wish the tales around my art's romanticism won't be haunting them until the end of their lives.

This artwork had been suggested by Lita to make since that day, yet how easily I am to be distracted that it became true after some of them created their own little families.

Much respect: Kakak Ayu, Lita Aku Bocahmu, Roza Mbak Cilik, Falla English For Fun, Riki Pak Ketua, Ipank Big Teddy Bear, Bayu Godean Street Community, Pangeran Irfan, Zulfa Feedback.
