Halo! Senang bisa bertemu lagi. Aku kemarin flu dan butuh waktu lumayan lama untuk sembuh. Aku relatif jarang sakit sih, tapi sekalinya sakit susah sembuh. 😅 Hari ini aku mau cerita tentang artwork ini, di mana aku diundang oleh sebuah kafe, Kairos, untuk merayakan first anniversary mereka. Oh ya, setelah bertahun-tahun lamanya ngeblog aku balik nulis bilingual lagi, hehe.
Hello! It's nice to see you again. I was getting a flu and it took a little bit long for me to heal. I am relatively rare to get sick but once I get it I need time. 😅 Today I will tell you a story of this artwork, where I was invited to a cafe, Kairos, to celebrate their first anniversary. Oh and after years of blogging I decided to write in bilingual again, hehe.
Kairos ngirim undangan untuk aku via Instagram. Mereka mengadakan event tanggal 16-18 Agustus 2024. Ada bazaar dan live music. Kalian bisa mengunjungi booth thrifting, tattoo artists, pembaca tarot, dan booth nail art. Karena aku dapat undangan dari Kairos, aku dapat diskon spesial 17% untuk pembelian minuman mereka. Keren banget!
Kairos sent me an invitation through Instagram. They held the celebration event on 16-18 August 2024. There were a bazaar and also a live music. You could visit the thrifting booth, tattoo artists, the tarot reader, and the nail artist booth. Since I received an invitation from Kairos, I got a special discount 17% for purchasing their beverages. How cool!
Kairos punya vibe yang unik menurutku. Interiornya punya sentuhan kayu, jadi ga terlalu saklek industrial kayak kafe-kafe jaman sekarang. Jadi ingat tampilan kafe sekitar sebelas tahun lalu sebelum ada co-working space. Ada gramofon dan radio antik juga lho didisplay di Kairos.
Kairos had a unique vibe in my opinion. Their interior had some touch of wood, so it's not strikingly industrial as how cafes decorate nowadays. It reminded me of how cafes looked like around eleven years ago before co-working spaces existed. There were a gramophone and an antique radio too displayed in Kairos.
Di ilustrasi ini ada Kopi Susu Aren dan salah satu menu baru mereka, Cheese Croissant. Kalau kalian mau nongkrong sebentar menurutku ini combo menu yang cocok. Kopi mereka enak dan takaran susunya pas. Keju di croissant-nya ga pelit.
In this illustration I had Kopi Susu Aren (milk coffee with brown sugar) and one of their new menu, Cheese Croissants. If you are going to visit only for a moment, I suggest this combo. Their coffee was tasty and the milk amount was so right. The cheese in the croissant was generous.
Adalah suatu kehormatan diundang untuk hadir ke event ini. Happy first anniversary, Kairos! Semoga sukses dan jaya selalu!
It was an honor to be invited to the event. Happy first anniversary, Kairos! Wish you success and everlasting!
📍 Name: Kairos Coffee
Location: Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto no. 113, Yogyakarta
Google Maps: Kairos Coffee
Instagram: kairos.113
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