Green Flag, Pink Sunset - An Attempt To Draw A Man


Halo, senang bisa bertemu lagi! Sori telat posting, ada beberapa hal yang perlu dibereskan di sini. 😝 Aku lagi lihat-lihat artwork lama aku dan baru sadar ternyata aku udah lama ga menggambar cowok ya. Bukannya komplain sih, cuma kupikir kayaknya bagus deh menambahkan variasi di antara artwork-artworkku.

Hello, it's nice to see you again! So sorry for being late to post a new artwork, there was a little bit of unalignment here. 😝 I was looking through my old artworks and I realized how long I have been not drawing a man. It's not like I'm complaining though, I'm just thinking that it would be good to add a variation between my artworks.

Inspirasi artwork ini berasal dari buku keduaku Halloween Honeydale. Terutama Alec Dmitriov, tokoh protagonis yang memiliki mata berwarna madu. Dalam buku itu aku menulis Alec sebagai cowok yang lembut dan sopan yang siap melindungimu dalam situasi bahaya. Dia tipe cowok yang mau mengajakmu ke perpustakaan, atau ngobrol-ngobrol sama kamu dengan secangkir teh. Dia udah pasti green flag.

The inspiration of this artwork came from my second book Halloween Honeydale. Specifically Alec Dmitriov, the protagonist who has honey-colored eyes. In the book I wrote him as a gentle and polite man whom ready to protect you in a danger situation. He's the kind of guy who would take you to a library, or hanging out with you over a cup of tea. He's definitely a green flag.

Alec selalu menjaga rambutnya tetap rapi, tapi di artwork ini aku membayangkan bagaimana cowok rapi seperti dia membiarkan rambutnya terurai. Ya secara teknis cowok di artwork ini memang bukan Alec sih. Kayaknya aku bisa melukis cowok ini dengan lebih baik dengan kuas yang lebih kecil dan lebih lancip. Untuk saat ini aku mendayagunakan alat yang aku punya aja deh.

Alec used to keep his hair neat, but in this artwork I imagined how a neat guy like him lets his hair loose. Well, it's technically not him anyway. I think I could have painted this guy better with a smaller, pointier brush. For the time being I will just make the tools I have useful.

Proses pembuatan artwork ini punya tantangan tersendiri. Pertama, aku sudah lama ga menggambar cowok. Dan aku ga menemukan referensi yang cocok dengan keinginanku. Kedua, bagaimana cara menghantarkan emosi melalui artwork ini. Terus terang aja waktu aku lihat-lihat artwork lamaku, aku menemukan setidaknya ada tiga artwork dengan tema air mata. Melalui pembuatan artwork ini aku pingin punya artwork 1) karakter cowok, dan 2) happy emotion.

The creation of this artwork had its own challenges. First, I had been so long not drawing a male. And I couldn't find a reference suited my taste. Second, how to transfer emotion through this artwork. Honestly when I was looking through my old artworks I found at least three artworks under the theme tears. With the creation of this artwork I wanted an artwork of 1) a male character, and 2) happy emotion.

Secara keseluruhan aku suka hasilnya. Aku dapet variasi dan penyegaran setelah menggambar semua karakter cewek itu. Kayaknya aku harus cari banyak referensi lagi untuk menggambar cowok di lain waktu. Atau mungkin kalian punya referensi bagus? Siap menampung ide, tidak menjamin hasil eksekusinya gimana. 😂 Sampai jumpa lagi!

Overall I like the result. It gave me the variation and the refreshing feeling after those female characters I've drawn. It seems that I need to look at more references to draw males next time. Or maybe you have a good reference? I'm open for ideas, no guarantee on how it will be executed. 😂 See you next time!
