Halo! Senang bisa ada di sini lagi. Kali ini aku bikin artwork yang temanya ringan dan ga terlalu emosional, hehe. Artwork ini aku kasih judul Makhluk Halus. Kenapa Makhluk Halus? Kalo kalian lumayan online kronis alias chronically online kalian pasti sering baca komen netijen yang memadankan istilah makhluk halus untuk kucing. Selain itu sekarang momen Halloween, jadi kupikir cocok dengan tema makhluk halus wqwqw.
Hello! Glad to be here again. This time I made a lightweight-themed artwork which is not too emotional, hehe. I named it Makhluk Halus, or Spirit in English. Why Makhluk Halus? If you are a little chronically online with Indonesian cat-posts you would find out that the netizens call cats as spirits (halus = soft; refers to cats' soft fur). Also we are in the Halloween week, so I thought the theme would work lol.
The creating of this artwork was relatively easy, moreover I didn't use complicated mix of colors. The way the character posed was also simple and presentable. The challenge was in presenting the cat. Since the surrounding was already heavy on light colors, I decided to use black for the cat. I intended to make it white too, but then I thought maybe next time. (Does it mean there will be another artwork of cats in the future? 👀 Hmmm).
Waktu aku bikin sketsa artwork ini, dalam bayanganku si mbak-mbak pakai gaun putih dengan luaran putih juga, dan bahannya linen. Menurutku bahan linen punya romantisme tersendiri dan karena identik dengan sesuatu yang berasal dari abad silam, terasa cocok dengan makhluk halus dan Halloween, tema kita hari ini. Aku pernah lihat beberapa toko online yang jual gaun linen, cantik-cantik semuaaa.. 😍
When I was sketching for this artwork, I imagined the character in a white dress with white outer, and she used linen fabrics. For me, linen has its own romanticism and since it is related to something form the past century, it felt relatable with spirits and Halloween, our theme here today. I have seen some online shops that sell linen dresses, all of them were mesmerizing.. 😍
Sebagai aksen lain di artwork ini, aku (lagi-lagi) menggunakan warna ungu. Tadinya aku mau pakai abu-abu, tapi kok kurang hidup, eee jadi ungu lagi. Ini udah terlalu autonomous, aku harus belajar pakai warna lain. 😂
As another touch, I used purple (again). I initially wanted to use grey, but it looked less lively, aaand it is purple again. This is already too autonomous, I have to learn to use another color. 😂
Happy Halloween! 🎃
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