Open Commission! Starts from IDR 10K

Halo! Selamat datang sekali lagi. Hari ini aku mau ngumumin aku open commission!!! 🎉🎉🎉

Hello! Welcome once more. Today I want to announce that I open commission!!! ðŸŽ‰ðŸŽ‰ðŸŽ‰

Dulu sebenernya aku udah sering bikin artwork request untuk klien-klienku. Waktu itu aku ga terang-terangan open commission jadi kalo ada yang mau request ya request aja. Sekarang aku mau properly open commission. Dengan ini aku harap artworkku bisa menjangkau lebih banyak klien dengan komunikasi yang lebih jelas. 💌

I used to often making artworks requested by my clients. At that time I didn't clearly open commission so whoever requested, requested. Now I want to properly open commission. Thus I hope my artworks reach more clients with a clearer communication. 💌


🖌 Artwork dibuat dengan cat air dan kertas
🖌 Ukuran kertas mempengaruhi detail
🖌 1 artwork 1 orang/peliharaan
🖌 Pengerjaan 3-7 hari

🖌 All made with watercolor on paper
🖌 Paper size affects details
🖌 1 artwork 1 person/pet
🖌 Process in 3-7 days

File-only: kamu bakal nerima file digital | you will receive digital file
Chibi style
A6 10K

Manga style
A6 30K
A5 60K
A4 100K

Realistic style
A6 100K
A5 150K
A4 200K

Physical: kamu bakal nerima artwork fisik, harga belum termasuk biaya pengiriman | you will receive the physical artwork, price exclude shipping fee
Chibi style
A6 30K

Manga style
A6 50K
A5 100K
A4 150K

Realistic style
A6 150K
A5 200K
A4 250K

Kalian bisa order lewat message di Instagram, Tiktok, or TwitterLinktree-ku juga udah aku update barangkali kalian mau liat-liat ada apa di sana. Aku tunggu request kalian yaa! ✨

You can order by messaging me through InstagramTiktok, or Twitter. My Linktree has also just been updated in case you want to look around what are there. I'll wait for your requests! ✨
