Halo, selamat datang di artworkku yang baru! Kali ini aku dapat request dari temenku Petramint untuk buatin sebuah artwork. Aku bener-bener girang mengerjakannya dan hari ini aku mau cerita pembuatan artwork ini.
Hello, welcome to another artwork of mine! This time I received a request from my friend Petramint to make her an artwork. I was so excited to do it and today I'm going to tell the story of making this artwork.
Aku kenal Petra udah beberapa tahun melalui sebuah forum online. Selera humornya kocak dan dia suka banget sama kopi. Suatu ketika Petra yang domisilinya di UK pergi ke New York dan cobain kopi yang waktu itu lagi sering kami obrolin di forum. Setelah dia dapat kopi yang dimaksud, dia kirim selfie ke aku yang aku simpen sampai sekarang. Foto itulah yang kujadikan referensi di artwork ini. 🥳
I knew Petra for a few years through an online forum. Her humor sense is hilarious and she loves coffee. One day Petra whose domicile is in UK went to New York and tried the coffee that we often talked about in the forum. After she got the coffee, she sent me her selfie and I keep it until now. That picture is the reference of this artwork. 🥳
Mumpung suasana Bumi di hemisfer utara masih musim dingin, kupikir akan cocok kalo aku melukis foto ini. Foto ini juga kebetulan diambil pas musim dingin, tepatnya Desember 2023. Petra mengenakan jaket dengan aksen bulu di tudung dan ada gelas kopi di depannya.
While it's still winter at the Earth's northern hemisphere, I thought it would be matched if I paint this picture.. This picture was also taken in winter, precisely December 2023. Petra wears a jacket with fur around the hood and there is a cup of coffee in front of her.
Di artwork ini aku eksplor warna yang komposisinya berbeda dari yang biasa kupakai. Aku paling menikmati proses melukis rambut dan rona pipi di mana aku pakai warna-warna yang buildable, yang dibangun sedikit demi sedikit sampai dapat image yang diinginkan. Ada sekitar tiga mixing warna untuk rambut. Untuk rona pipi aku main intensitas cat yang aku pakai.
In this artwork I explored colors with different composition from what I used to apply. I really enjoyed the process of painting her hair and her blush where I used buildable colors, which were built little by little until I got the image result that I wanted. There were about three color mixings for her hair. For her blush I tweaked the paint intensity.
Kopi yang waktu itu sering kami bahas adalah peppermint mocha. Dari situlah dia dapet nickname Petramint. Kopi itu biasanya dijual pas musim dingin (hemisfer utara). Aku juga pernah coba. Kukira bakal aneh, ternyata enak. Di Indonesia kopinya bisa dibeli di akhir tahun, pas musim hujan. 😂
The coffee that we discussed a lot at that time was peppermint mocha. That's how she got the nickname Petramint. The coffee is usually sold in winter (northern hemisphere). I've tried it too. I thought it was going to be weird, but it turned out tasty. In Indonesia you can bought the coffee around year-end, in the rain season. 😂
Itulah cerita tentang artwork ini. Terima kasih Petra untuk requestnya, semoga bisa menikmati hasilnya. Terima kasih kalian udah mau berkunjung, membaca, nge-play video di blog ini. Sampai jumpa di artwork selanjutnya!
That's all for this artwork. Thank you Petra for the request, I hope you enjoy the result. Thank you for all of you for visiting, reading, playing the video in this blog. See you on the next artwork!
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