Halo, selamat datang di artwork terbaruku! Hari ini aku punya artwork bertema biru ini dan aku bakal cerita di baliknya.
Hello, welcome to another artwork! Today I have this blue-themed artwork and today I will tell the story behind it.
Beberapa tahun lalu, tepatnya tahun 2020 di masa pandemi dan masih musim lockdown, aku dapet sekelumit pencerahan tentang K-Pop dari temenku Opi. Dari dia aku tau Itzy, NCT, Stray Kids, .... Waktu itu Opi sering ngeshare MV-MV yang recommended bagi dia. Dan ada satu MV yang menurutku setting dan shotnya cantik semua. Aku sempet screenshot dua shot yang paling menarik, tapi sayangnya setelah itu aku lupa sama grup dan judul lagunya.
A few years ago, precisely in 2020 in the pandemic era and lockdown was on, I got a glimpse of enlightment about K-Pop from my friend Opi. From her I knew Itzy, NCT, Stray Kids, .... At that time Opi often sharing her recommended MVs. And there was one MV that had all these pretty settings and shots. I screenshot two most interesting shots, yet unfortunately I forgot the group and their song title after that.
Waktu itu aku udah kepingin bikin fanartnya, tapi aku belum berani. Trus aku bikin artwork-artwork lain sampai akhirnya keinginan itu terpendam. Baru-baru ini aku kepikiran lagi sama MV itu dan sempet bikin artwork yang terinspirasi dari situ, Flower Crown and Lover sama Flower Crown and Loose Hair.
At that time I already had the intention to make its fanart, but I had no confidence. Then I made other artworks until I ended up buried that intention. Just recently I started thinking about that MV and I made an artwork inspired by it, Flower Crown and Lover and Flower Crown and Loose Hair.
Mungkin kalian masih inget di artworkku yang Flower Crown and Lover, yang ada karakter cowok pake rangkaian bunga di kepala itu, aku sempet mention soal 'terinspirasi' ini. Nah inilah artwork yang aku mau bikin dari dulu. Setelah FCaL selesai diupload di blog dan berbagai social media, aku cari-cari lagi screenshot MV yang dulu itu trus tanya ke Opi itu MV dari mana. Ternyata itu dari grup Stray Kids dengan lagu Blueprint. Aku juga jadi tau member yang aku lukis ini namanya Hyunjin. 🥳
Perhaps you still remember in my artwork Flower Crown and Lover, where there is a male character wearing a flower wreath on his head, I mentioned about this 'inspired' stuff. This is the artwork that I've been wanting to create since then. After FCaL finished uploaded and shared on my social medias, I searched the old MV screenshots then I asked Opi where the MV was from. It turned out that it's from Stray Kids with their song Blueprint. I also found out that this member I painted is Hyunjin. 🥳
Tantangan bikin artwork ini adalah bunga-bunganya. Mereka tu blur di dalem MVnya. Waktu aku coba lukis efek blurnya, hasilnya kayak lukisan ga selesai. 🥲 Jadi aku kasih outline tipis-tipis biar otak tu tetep nangkepnya 'oh ini bunga'. Selain itu pewarnaan kulit. Aku melukis kulitnya dengan warna yang paling pucat yang dibangun sampai jadi lebih intens karena color grading di MV ini bikin warna kulit jadi sangat terang.
The challengin part of this artwork is the flowers. They are blurred in the MV. I tried to paint the blur effect, the result was like an unfinished painting. 🥲 So I put on a little outlines so that my brain still translates them as 'oh this is flower'. Other than that is the skin. I painted the skin started from the most pale color built to be more intense because the color grading in the MV made the skin very bright.
Fitur yang aku suka di artwork ini adalah mata, khususnya kelopak mata, dan bagian terang di atas bibir atas. Aku punya kuas baru yang bisa membantuku melukis detail kayak gini, hehe. (Udah dipakai sejak art commission kemarin sih hehehehe.)
My favorite features here are the eye, specifically the eyelid, and the bright part over the upper lip. I just got new paint brushes that help me paint details like this, hehe. (Already used them in the last art commission hehehehe.)
Itulah cerita tentang artwork ini. Terima kasih sudah mau membaca sampai selesai, atau sampai ngeklik link-link yang aku sisipkan di sini. Sampai jumpa di artwork selanjutnya!
That's all about this artwork. Thank you for reading until the end, or even clicking the links I inserted here. See you on the next artwork!
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