The Hummingbird Coffee

Today I want to show you my artwork of one of my favorite people. She is Ali from Ali's Tarot whom I've been subscribing, following, ✨ interacting ✨ since June 2020. Before this artwork was made, we were talking about her coffee, a pack with a hummingbird print on it. Then I took a picture reference from her collaboration video, which became this artwork.

As usual, drawing and painting a portrait of real people has so many challenges. Especially on precision. Here Ali posed with both of her elbows on the table, which means both her shoulders were in front of her torso. I hope the light on her shoulders helps the perspective. 👀

In my Instagram post, I tagged her and I also put some caption mainly expressed my gratitude to her. I also told her in our forum so that she knew and could see the post herself. It is so nice to send your gratitude directly to your helper. Maybe my love language is gift giving?

The hummingbird coffee is actually sold in Indonesia too. I just never managed my money to buy it hahahah. 😂 
