If We (I and My Friends) Had A Little Cafe

Aku ga bisa nentuin nama yang lebih cocok daripada ini.. sayangnya =x=/ I can't decide a better name for this.. unfortunately  =x=

"Poster" ini dibuat sebagai tugas pelajaran bahasa inggris sewaktu semester 2 dulu di kampus. Kami disuruh bikin iklan tentang produk apapun yang bisa kita imajinasikan. Kelompokku kepikiran untuk bikin kafe yang mengutamakan menu float dan tercetuslah ide ini. Untuk promo, kami kasih gratis seporsi cookies setiap pembelian dua float. Oke, ini hanyalah imajinasi...

This "poster" was made for english class in my 2nd semester in campus. We had to make an advertisement about any product we imagined. My team wanted to had a cafe that famous with its float so we made this. As a promo, we'll give a portion of cookies free everytime you bought two cups of floats. Okay, it was only our imagination..

