Request dari Para Pasangan Muda/ Young Couples' Requests

Dari judulnya aja udah bisa ditebak kalo artworx ini dibikin atas request dari teuman-teuman yang pingin mengabadikan kebahagiaan mereka sama pacar mereka (sweet!)/ As you read the title you know that these artworxes are made for my friends who want to captured their happiness with their boyfriends (sweet!)

Ini request pertama, dari temen namanya Melisa./ This is a request from Melisa.

From Venti.. I love those white hearts and white dots!

From Melisa again.. :p I love those green hearts!

From Desi..

And from Nia! Sebenernya dia minta artworx ini buat kartu ucapan ultah buat cowoknya dan anniversary jadian dia dan cowoknya, makanya keliatan ga terlalu rame, itu karena aku harus ngegabungin gambarnya dengan latar belakang kartunya.

Actually she asked these artworxes to be attached on her boyfriend's birthday card and their anniversary card, so I made them not too fancy because I had to combine them with the backgrounds.
