Kerasukan Fashion Lagi!/ Possessed by Fashion Again!

Aku bikin artworx yang ini tetep pake pensil, ga seperti artworx lain yang setelah dibikin sketsa pensil diganti pake pena. Ini bikin aku kesulitan dalam pewarnaan. Dan hasilnya ga sehalus yang aku pingin.. =.=

Aku pake pen tablet untuk backgroundnya, ngomong-ngomong.

I kept this artworx in its pencil mode, not like the others; after i made them by pencil, i'll re-draw them by pen. It gave me some difficulties in the coloring process. And the result was not as smooth as I wanted.. =.=

I used pen tablet to draw the background, by the way.

Gaya kayak gini terlintas begitu aja di benakku. Pasaran sih sebenernya: kacamata hitam gede, syal, blazer, rok mini, legging, boot, dan tas selempang kecil.. udah sering ditemui di majalah-majalah fashion kan? Meski begitu tetep aja aku seneng bisa bikin artworx ini. Oh iya, sudah bisa ditebak kalo aku pake pen tablet untuk bikin garis-garis di latar belakang.

This style came into my mind so sudden. It's too common: big sunglasses, scarf, blazer, miniskirt, legging, boots, and mini handbag.. you usually find it in fashion magazines, right? However, I was glad I can make this artworx. Oh, you bet it, I used pen tablet to make the lines at the background.
