Aku mengalami kesulitan untuk ngedesain tongkat lampunya. Setelah nonton film "9" aku dapet inspirasi desain itu dari salah satu tokoh yang suka bawa-bawa tongkat keagungannya (aku lupa siapa). Warna ungu dan merah melambangkan aku dan partner-in-crime-ku (rambut mereka juga) tapi itu juga bisa melambangkan sepupu-sepupuku (rambut mereka, terutama).
I was having some difficulties to design the lamp stick. After I watched movie "9" I got the inspiration from the character who liked to bring his royal stick (I forget the name). Purple and red symbolize me and my partner-in-crime (their hairs too) but they are also sybolize my cousins (their hairs, especially).
I was having some difficulties to design the lamp stick. After I watched movie "9" I got the inspiration from the character who liked to bring his royal stick (I forget the name). Purple and red symbolize me and my partner-in-crime (their hairs too) but they are also sybolize my cousins (their hairs, especially).
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