A Baseball Cap and Hot Mocha

Hello! Today I am going to show you this artwork. It was inspired by some people who love going to cafes and buy some coffee to go. At some point in my life I was a part of them too. It was mainly because going to cafes was a way for me to wind down after a long day. I also went to cafes as a part of my social life, e.g meeting my friends or hanging out with my family. Then I had an experience to work at some cafes so it turned out to be a whole different kind of experience.

When I visit a cafe as a customer, I prefer sitting down there and enjoy my coffee with some meal, instead of buying coffee to go. Before I worked at cafes, my working hour used to start earlier than most cafes opening hour. That's why I never bought coffee to go. Coffee was easily accessed when I worked at some cafes. I was handling a few places and I had the chance to taste here and there. 😂

When I was creating this artwork, I used my old watercolor set and found myself forgot how intense the paints were. So at some spots I needed correction to balance the paints used. The hair was intended to be closer to black but my paper was giving up.... 😅 So after correcting the intensity I just left it there. I wanted to capture a cold day nuance so that the hot mocha suits the vibe. I put in a lot grey with a dash of mint and blue as the base.

On the earlier days of my experience going to cafes, I mostly ordered hot drinks. Let's say it was pre kopi gula aren era. Even though I ordered hot drinks more than cold drinks, there was my favorite cold drinks named Frozepuccino. It was milk with iced-coffee cubes. I could spend more time sitting at the cafe to let the cubes melt while reading a book or chatting with whoever my companion was. After a few years they didn't sell it anymore and their opening hour was changed to evening so I didn't go there much. Then the cafe had been down due to the pandemic. ☹️

After kopi gula aren era I mostly order iced drinks. Mocha and cookies-and-cream are my favorites. Lately I found soy latte at a cafe far, far from my house and almond latte at a closer one. I like to list down what to drink (or eat) where so that I have a fixed reason to visit a cafe or restaurant.

Such a long story to tell about for this artwork. Thank you for reading it all. I will see you next week!
