The Sad Poppy

Another artwork storytelling time! I miss creating some melancholic painting so here is The Sad Poppy. For this artwork I needed to look up how a poppy looks like, because I never seen one in real life. 😐 Thanks to the internet I could find good references of poppies.

Consider the poppy part was an accomplished challenge. Another challenge was I had no drawing pen so I needed to improvise. I have color pens, and at that time I thought I needed something milder like a brown drawing pen. Color pens, at least in my case, are suitable for lighthearted, breezy artworks. So at the end of the day I decided to go all paint no pen.

I kind of found a new style while working on this artwork. I kept building the colors layer by layer, mixing this and that colors to reach thus color, and I tried to add some dimension??!! This artwork is small, A5, and I used to working on the same size for 2 hours give or take. This one was from breakfast to lunch. 😂 But I love things that take time rather than the short-timed ones, so I'm not complaining.
